It's time to create a relationship you love with food, yourself and your life

As featured...

Do you find yourself thinking you would do anything to lose weight and yet can’t stick to a diet, eat less, or just what you think you should?

And then, if you do lose weight, maybe you fear you’re going to regain it?

Maybe you want to be healthier and feel better, because you know the consequences of being overweight, especially as you get older, but you find yourself eating ‘all the things’ and gaining weight any way.

You don’t want another diet... you know that’s not the answer.

You don’t want to feel deprived.

You want to eat normally.

You wish you were different, like women who are naturally slim and aren’t bothered by food.

Maybe you tell yourself, when this or that thing is taken care of in your life, then you’ll sort yourself out.

Or maybe you don’t think you can change because you’ve tried and failed so many times before.

If you can relate to any of these a Lose Weight. Live Life. coaching program could be for you.

But first be reassured, you have a very ‘normal’ relationship with food in the world in which we live today.

And you can totally find food freedom and create a relationship with food and yourself that you love, so that you can lose your weight for the last time ever.

When you join a ‘Lose Weight. Live Life.’ coaching program you get the knowledge and support to help you…

…go from battling food will power to total food freedom.

…change your relationship with food and yourself for life

…go step-by-step from overweight to permanently slim


So, are you ready to change forever?

Are you ready to feel better about yourself, your eating and your life?

With help you can…

STOP craving foods you don’t want to eat,

STOP feeling conflicted about the right thing to eat,

STOP sabotaging your weight loss efforts because you’re frustrated, and

STOP relying on willpower to get you through the day

And you can

START feeling in control around food

START feeling confident and certain about what to eat that works for you

START knowing how to make food decisions that serve you.


Let me introduce myself...

Hi, I'm Clair. I spent decades of my life losing and regaining multiple stones over and over. I've done Weight Watches, Slimming World, Lighter Life and lots of weird and not so wonderful diets in between.

When I turned forty I was fat, frustrated and morbidly obese. And then I finally lost six-stone for the last time.

I’m not super slim. I’m a normal weight. And I am very happy with that.

It’s easy for me to choose foods that nourish and fuel my body and I don’t want to gorge on foods high in carbs like I used to.

I feel in control.

I don’t need to eat to feel better when I’m having a bad day or feel exhausted or desperate for a treat.

I know how to allow my emotions. Emotions I wasn’t even aware of because before I was eating so as not to feel them without even realising it.

And, I feel empowered by understanding what makes me tick like I never have before because I know how to think in such a way that I can get more of what I want in life.

And I like myself a whole lot more too.

I no longer feel like a failure because of my weight. And I no longer feel the intense shame of having failed at weight loss so many times. Not because I finally figured it out - but because I learned that it was nothing to be ashamed of.

I’ve learned how to get enjoyment from taking care of myself too.

And now I’m committed to helping you and women like you create a relationship with food, yourself, and your life that you love, so that you can lose your weight for the last time and find food freedom too.

I am certified in Life & Weight Loss Coaching with The Life Coach School and Health & Life Coaching with The Health Coach Institute. I am a causal coaching specialist, with experience in NLP, Positive Intelligence and DISC Profiling.

And you're invited to embark on the Lose Weight. Live Life. journey that's right for you

Monthly Membership

A flexible, self-paced approach to learning the tools and skills that will enable you to lose your weight for the last time along side creating a relationship with food, yourself, and your life that you love.  Perfect if you are good at holding yourself accountable and you are comfortable showing up in a group coaching environment to get support by asking questions and volunteering to be coached.


Private Coaching

Clair works with a small number of  women on a private coaching basis. Private coaching could be for you if you want a personalised approach to the B.A.L.A.N.C.E Pathway. This is perfect for you if you would like to work on other aspects of your life, such as work or relationship challenges, or just figuring out what you want to be different, in an in depth way alongside creating a relationship with food that you love. 



The Weight Loss Whisperer - Clair Mackenzie

Certified Life and Weight Loss Mindset Coach, ‘The Weight Loss Whisperer’ Clair Mackenzie empowers women to create a relationship with food and themselves that they love, so they can lose their weight for the last time and get on with living the life they were meant for.

The supportive shoulder, the educated big sister, Clair empowers female professionals & entrepreneurs to love themselves first. She combines extensive years of experience and coaching qualifications with her own weight loss and personal development journey. Clair lost her weight for the last time after adopting a food mindset designed for the world in which we live today. Clair’s on a mission to ‘pass it on’ and create a ripple effect across the wider female population within the UK, so others can learn sustainable skills for life, rather than stressfully bouncing from depriving diet to another.

Clair’s on a mission to significantly improve the physical and mental health of successful career and businesswomen who state they are unhappy with their weight, empowering them to create a positive relationship with food and themselves so they can ditch the yo-yo diet, self-sabotaging beliefs that hold them back, and move forward with stronger self-worth.

Clair is vocal about everything that's wrong with turning to dieting as the solution within the diet industry, the food industry and outdated approaches to losing weight.

Clair encourages women to adopt seven key life skills as a part of their weight loss journey, which she is passionate about making an enjoyable and life transforming experience. Clair wants women to embrace and not endure their weight loss journey. She wants women to  see it as more luxury cruise than long haul flight. 

Her signature B.A.L.A.N.C.E. Pathway provides the opportunity for an exciting journey of self-discovery and adoption of life skills that will help women transform their emotional and physical well-being.

Before following her passion to help women lose weight and transform their lives, Clair worked for a global blue-chip organisation in various marketing and consulting roles.

Clair is host of the top ranking Lose Weight. Live Life. podcast. She has been featured on the BBC, Woman & Home, Wellbeing News, Entirely Health and Thrive Global.

Clair is certified in Life & Weight Loss Coaching with The Life Coach School and Health & Life Coaching with The Health Coach Institute. She is a causal coaching specialist, with experience in NLP, Positive Intelligence and DISC Profiling.

Clair lives in rural Warwickshire with her husband, teenage children, and dogs.

As featured...

"I contacted Clair because I felt stuck in a rut and in need of some direction or advice on how to move forward. I felt that I had lost my confidence and my chronic health issues were getting me down. I found Clair’s direction, inspiration and advice around how to look at my issues and address them to be very empowering. Working with Clair has helped me to achieve some weight loss goals and improve how I cope with chronic arthritis. Working with Clair is helpful and insightful. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

Private Client

"Clair is an inspiring coach, with lots of patience and great advice on different improvements and changes you want to change. She's a good listener and follows sessions up with lots of useful information. Thanks for all your support Clair!luctus massa, id hendrerit tellus auctor eu. Nullam eget egestas orci."

H. R.
Private Client

"Clair really took on a difficult case when she agreed to work with me. I was so resistant and stubborn to everything. I'd had so many years of negativity surrounding food and getting healthy. But she is so wise and calm, and she really listened to what I needed and how I felt about everything. For every objection I raised Clair had a simple solution. I was able to take on her suggestions and slowly I realised that by making tiny changes a great deal could be achieved. Clair works in a very eclectic way. She works with the whole person: mind, body and soul, and draws on a whole range of tools, lots of which I'm still using and finding helpful."

A. P.
Private Client

"Clair really took on a difficult case when she agreed to work with me. I was so resistant and stubborn to everything. I'd had so many years of negativity surrounding food and getting healthy. But she is so wise and calm, and she really listened to what I needed and how I felt about everything. For every objection I raised Clair had a simple solution. I was able to take on her suggestions and slowly I realised that by making tiny changes a great deal could be achieved. Clair works in a very eclectic way. She works with the whole person: mind, body and soul, and draws on a whole range of tools, lots of which I'm still using and finding helpful."

A. G.
Private Client

"Coaching with Clair has reassured me that I know lots of the principles of having a healthy diet (like most lifetime dieters), but I've also learned new things , such as discovering that I don't need to snack. Coaching is like having someone along for the ride to show you the way. Clair's program is sustainable and deals with underlying issues - yes we all know we put too much food in our mouths - but this deals with the why! Think of working with Clair as a gift to yourself."

Private Coaching Client & Academy Member

"With great empathy, Clair’s coaching offers a collaborative partnership, combining wisdom with accountability. I trust Clair; she’s been there, designed a process and worked through it herself to a sustainable way of healthy eating. "

Private Coaching Client

"I have always struggled with my weight, losing weight, and putting it and a little bit more back on. 12 years ago, I went through a difficult time emotionally and comfort drank and ate to excess. My weight skyrocketed to 14 stone. I tried everything to lose this weight but was not successful. I joined WW, SW, went to the gym, took up running, tried lots of different diets. Whenever I lost a bit, I put it back on. Over the 12 years, I l did lose 1 stone, and have no idea how that happened. It was getting me down, but I just did not know what I needed to do the lose weight. In February 2020, Lose Weight, Live Life came into my feed on Facebook. I was at the airport waiting for my flight for a two-week holiday to Brazil when I joined the class about the bead jar. This made so much sense to me, but I was off for a two-week trip to Brazil, so I put this on the back burner. Within a week of returning, we were on full lockdown. One of my son's teachers said to his students, after having their A ‘Levels cancelled, "When you go to for a job interview, they are going to look at your CV and ask you, what did you do during lockdown?" That made me think, how would I like to answer that question. I realised that I had to look at the 3 months of lockdown as an opportunity to improve myself and my life. I took on two challenges, 1) learn to touch type and 2) learn how to lose weight. I started going through the units in Lose Weight, Live Life on Facebook. This was a revelation to me. I learned so much, about me, why I ate the way I did. 18th May I joined My One Life Academy for that extra support. I listened to all the masterclasses, joined the coaching sessions, and realised that it was my thoughts and emotions that were making weight loss so difficult for me. I started my journey of self-discovery. I joined the Mastermind group in September 2020. At this point I realised that I needed more support from Clair, to help me understand the thoughts and emotions behind my overeating, and how to change them to help me with my weight loss. Since 18th May I have lost 1.5 stones. On average, 3 pounds a month. This is more that I lost over 12 years. I still want to lose 2 stone to reach my healthy BMI. Following Clair's program, I have discovered lots of reasons why I overeat, ranging from habit, fear of missing out, not wanting to offend, rewarding myself, or just eating to dull my emotions. This weight loss journey has been a journey of self-discovery. I have learned so much more about myself. I now have a food plan that I am comfortable with, that will help me lose weight and I know I can follow for life. I now know what I need to do to lose weight and believe that it is possible to get to my goal weight and stay there for life. I am so glad that Lose Weight, Live Life came up in my Facebook feed, all those months ago, and I met Clair. Clair is inspirational, insightful, understanding, and able to guide you in your weight loss journey, no matter which program you select."

Mastermind and Academy Member

"Thank you for all the useful information and fantastic support and advice. I would like to continue my membership of the Academy"

Academy Member

"Thank you, Clair, for your insightful and kind words. I did find both the Masterclass and the Academy session today very relevant. Well it’s all Amazingly relevant. I cannot thank you enough for your invaluable help."

Academy Member

"It makes it much easier being in your group"

Academy Member

"I couldn’t join this session live but watched the recording and found it really useful"

Academy Member

"Thank you, Clair, for your brilliant advice on the call today"

Academy Member

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