Episode #92 - Portion Control

overeating Jun 24, 2022

This week’s podcast is a look under the covers of the Lose Weight. Live Life. Academy where you get to listen in on a call from last year all about portion control.

If you suspect that a part of creating the relationship with food that you want is learning how to not overeat at meal times,...


Episode #59 - Weekend weight gains

overeating Oct 15, 2021

Many of you are sharing that you find it difficult to not gain weight over the weekend so in this episode we are going to explore how you can make weekends work better for you and help not hinder your weight loss journey.

It’s normal to have a pattern of losing weight during the week and...


Episode #12 When you think you can't lose weight

In this episode I talk to you about the reasons you can’t lose weight and how to overcome them. We consider how medical and physical challenges, life-style difficulties, having an out-dated diet mentality and your thoughts about yourself and your own abilities are keeping you stuck.

We then...


Episode #11 Creating momentum with ending overeating

Our inability to lose weight as quickly as we would like is one of the greatest challenges, we face with weight loss.

With learning most skills, we know that the more time we put into it, the more we concentrate that time, the quicker  we get the results.

For example, when learning to drive...


My overeating and weight loss journey

My thoughts on overeating and weight loss

I was approaching my 40th birthday and morbidly obese.

I existed in a state of embarrassment and shame.

Common thoughts at the time were…

“How much more weight do I need to gain before the weight gain stops?”
”I hope I don’t...


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