Episode #89 - Thought Upgrades

weight loss mindset Jun 03, 2022

There are many factors to consider that impact your weight, from your age, your lifestyle, to certain medical conditions, and genetics. All the things. But none of these are the primary reason that you aren’t the weight that you want to be. The primary reason is the relationship you have...


Episode #87 - The Open Minded Benefit

weight loss mindset May 20, 2022

On this episode we explore how being open minded and having a growth mindset can help you create the weight loss results that you want, whereas being closed minded and having a fixed mindset can keep you stuck and hold you back from making progress on your weight loss journey.


What You'll...


Episode #86 - Meeting yourself where youā€™re at

weight loss mindset May 12, 2022

On this episode we explore the concept of ‘Meeting yourself where you’re at’ with regards to digging into the truth of the foods that you ‘want’ to eat.

So often, we’ve spent years and decades thinking that we cannot eat what we want to eat. This is partly due...


Episode #85 - Questions from Weight Mindset Experience Week

weight loss mindset May 05, 2022

On this episode I answer 6 questions that came up during the Finding Food Freedom Weight Coaching Mindset Experience Week, that are questions that many of us ask when we’re just setting out on our weight loss journey. 


What You'll Learn from this Episode

  • How diet mentality...

Episode #84 - Food, Feelings and Urges

Get a sneak peek inside The Academy with this training for the Food, Feelings and Urges work that’s been the focus for this month.


What You'll Learn from this Episode

  •  What we do inside the Lose Weight. Live Life. Academy
  •  What’s going on, step-by-step, when you...

Episode #83 - Why now is the right time

weight loss mindset Apr 22, 2022

Today I am talking to you about why now, right now, no matter what is going on in your life, is the right time for you to make yourself a priority and work on creating a relationship with food and yourself that you love. And it may, or it may not, be the right time for you to work at losing...


Episode #82 - Calories on the menu

weight loss mindset Apr 15, 2022

Join me on this episode as I talk about the impact of the new UK legislation to publish calories on restaurant menus in the UK. What are the challenges it presents and how can we use it to help and not hinder our dining experience, our relationship with food and weight loss journey.

And we...


Episode #81 - Finding Food Freedom

weight loss mindset Apr 08, 2022

Join me on this episode as I share what it means to Find Food Freedom for me and members of the Lose Weight. Live Life. Academy.

And as always, it’s not just about the food, it’s also about experiencing freedom in everything we think, feel and do in connection with food and ourselves....


Episode #80 - Feeling Emotion

weight loss mindset Apr 01, 2022

Join me on this episode as I talk about ‘Feeling Emotion’. 

Eating is a very normal way for us humans to manage our emotions, but when we’re using food to manage our emotions to the extent that we’re unhealthy or unhappy with our weight, then it’s time to look...


Episode #79 - Your weight and the warmer weather

weight loss mindset Mar 25, 2022

Join me on this episode as I talk about the thoughts you may have when the sun comes out. 

When the sun comes out in Spring, and we’re reminded that summer is around the corner it can feel a bit bittersweet when you’re unhappy with your weight. Whilst you appreciate the warmer...

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