Episode #107 - Deconstructing Emotional Eating

emotional eating mindset Nov 11, 2022

On this podcast episode we deconstruct emotional eating.

I want you to hear me when I say that emotional eating is not bad and it’s not to be judged. It’s something we do because we (society, people of the world as we know it here in the UK and in other countries) find emotional...


Episode #90 - Loneliness & Overeating

emotional eating Jun 10, 2022

In this podcast episode we explore the connection between loneliness and overeating. All of us experience loneliness at some time in our life. And for those of us who also struggle with overeating the relationship between loneliness and emotional eating can be complex.

Listen in to this episode...


Episode #84 - Food, Feelings and Urges

Get a sneak peek inside The Academy with this training for the Food, Feelings and Urges work that’s been the focus for this month.


What You'll Learn from this Episode

  •  What we do inside the Lose Weight. Live Life. Academy
  •  What’s going on, step-by-step, when you...

Episode #61 - 5 Steps to End Emotional Eating

emotional eating Oct 29, 2021

On this episode I am pleased to have you listen in to the Masterclass that I ran teaching an updated process for 5 Steps to End Emotional Eating.

This is the work that we are doing inside of the Lose Weight. Live Life. Academy this month, and in case you’re interested I tell you more about...


Episode #58 - Comfort Eating

emotional eating Oct 08, 2021

Join me on this episode to explore all things comfort eating.

Comfort eating is one of the many types of emotional eating. It’s when we eat food to avoid feeling discomfort or we eat food to feel better, soothed, or comforted. And I think comfort eating can be a desire for physical comfort...


Episode #38 - The B.A.L.A.N.C.E Pathway

bingeing emotional eating Apr 23, 2021

On this episode I introduce you to the BALANCE Pathway.

The B.A.L.A.N.C.E Pathway will transform your physical and emotional well-being. It's your step-by-step approach to balance eating for nourishment with eating for pleasure, to balance your emotional life, and to help you empower your inner...


Episode #37 - Different types of eating

bingeing emotional eating Apr 16, 2021

On this episode learn about the many different types of eating that you may be doing.

Learn about the difference between fuel eating, withdrawal eating and the many variations of emotional eating that you do.

There is nothing wrong with any eating pattern done in moderation and in a balanced way....


Episode #16 Emotions to help you lose weight

In today’s episode we take another look at emotion.

So many women tell me how desperate they are to lose weight and then say that the reason that they can’t do it, is because they don’t feel motivated.

Emotional awareness is an import part of the work that I do with clients...


Episode #8 Feeling compelled to eat

On today's episode I talk about what's happening when you feel compelled to eat, and what you can do about it.

Most of us often feel compelled to eat things, knowing that it has nothing to do with physical hunger.

Oftentimes we think something will taste really good so we desire it, and sometimes...


Episode #7 Eating your feelings

Everything that you do, and everything that you don’t do, in your life is determined by how you think doing or not doing those things will feel.

Each time you decide to eat something it’s because of how you think eating, whatever it is, will impact how you are feeling. You might want...

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